Osteoporosis | Causes | Foods avoided | Foods included | Need for calcium and vitamin D | Prevention |
Bone cells are breaking down and being resorbed, others are forming to take their place. When resorption occurs faster than formation, the bones become weak and extremely porous. Fractures can occur with little or no pressure. This condition is called osteoporosis.
- Increase in age.
- Decline in estrogen at menopause
- Calcium and vitaminD deficiencies
- Menstrual irregularities
- Improper nutrition of highly trained athletes
- Anorexic girls who starve themselves
- Smoking
- Women whose ovaries are surgically removed
- Kidney diseases
- Usage of steroid drugs
- Alcohol
- Coffee
- Tea
- Caffeinated beverages

Calcium rich sources
- Low-fat milk
- Yogurt
- Canned fish
Vitamin D rich sources
- Oily fish
- Fortified milk
- Soy
- Rice beverages
- Legumes
- Fruits and vegetables

- Plenty of calcium the building block of bone, and vitamin D are needed. The recommendation for calcium is 1300 mg per day for 9 to 18 years old, 1000mg per day for adults up to 50 years and 1200 mg per day after 50.
- Just as important as calcium is vitamin D. The body needs it in order to absorb calcium. The RDA for adults up to 50 is 200 IU for adults about 50 it is 400IU. The main source of vitamin D is sunlight.
- Phosphorus, also essential to bone formation is found in most foods that contain calcium as well as meat poultry eggs.
- Foods especially rich in calcium and phosphorus should be included in the diet.
- Along with calcium, vitamin D rich foods also should be included in the diet. The main source of Vitamin D is sunlight but it can also be obtained from fluid milk, fortified soy and rice beverages, oily fish, egg yolks, butter and margarine.
- Vitamin K may help to increase bone density and also reduce fracture rates. Sources of vitamin K include green leafy vegetables, green peas come on broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, cabbage, kale and beef liver. It’s also found in egg yolks, dairy products and plant oils such as canola, soya bean and olive.
- Consumption of soy may play a role in prevention of osteoporosis as it contains isoflavones, a type of plant estrogen .
- Including vitamin C in your diet gives higher bone density. Vitamin C also helps to form the connective tissue that holds bones together. Some of the sources include fruits and vegetables especially citrus fruits, berries, melons and Peppers.
- Maintaining regular exercise. Walking, jogging, aerobics, tennis and dancing are all excellent in helping to maintain bones.